Den kritikerroste og populære dokumentaren som har gått på både SVT2 og NRK gis i dag ut på dvd. Serien som originalt heter "Metal Evolution" består av 11 episoder som tar grundig for seg historien om hardrock og heavy metal fra 60tallet til i dag. Hver episode har et egent tema som "Glam Metal, Power Metal, New Wave of British Heavy Metal" osv.
Programleder Sam Dunn har allerede røpet at det vil komme flere episoder i fremtiden.
Fra VH1:
"We are very excited to bring VH1's powerful and comprehensive documentary series to music lovers and devoted metal fans on DVD and digitally for the first time ever," said Brad Beale, director of digital video content acquisition for Amazon. "Amazon's CreateSpace on Demand service makes it easy for networks like VH1 Classic to make the content that fans want readily available quickly and cost-effectively."
"'Metal Evolution' has been a breakthrough television series for VH1 Classic, a perfect fit for our audience of classic music experts. The series highlights the passion and intelligence on the part of the creators, performers, and fans of metal music — a genre often overlooked by critics. Our partners at Banger Films created a fascinating series with emotion, humor, and lots of really, really awesome music,"
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