Våre norske venner, Wig Wam, slipper ny skive 18 Mai på labelet Frontier Records. Albummet har fått tittelen "Wall Street".
Pressemelding fra bandet:
"Our only mission is to rock the world! And 'Wall Street' sure is more entertaining than the stock market these days. One thing that will shock the world on this album is that it's containing no fillers. Every song has its unique universe, the band sounds better than ever and the songs offer everything from the taste of heavy metal to classic WIG WAM glam rock."
Låtene på albumet er som følger:
01. Wall Street
02. OMG! (Wish I Had A Gun)
03. Victory Is Sweet
04. The Bigger The Better
05. Bleeding Daylight
06. Tides Ttynkcor Turn
07. Wrong Can Feel So Right
08. One Million Enemies
09. Try My Body On
10. Natural High
11. Things Money Can't Buy
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